-- License is required for each Qualitia server PC.
-- Client machines can use the same license of the server.
-- Install Qualitia.exe server & client executables on server machine.
(a) Create 'admin' user with a password say 'root'.
-- The database 'qualitiaserver' is created in MySQL database on Qualitia server PC.
-- Default password or when the password is reset, the password is 'qualitia123'.
-- Create a project with the name, say 'ABC_Project'.
-- Assign users for this project with respective passwords & duration of project.
[Users can be assigned various roles.]
-- Two database is required to be installed in MySQL for the project, for example with name 'ABC_project_projectdb' and 'ABC_project_resultdb'.
-- The latest patch of qualitia 'Patch Qualitia_V3.5.64.1083.txt' has to be installed on qualitia server as well as qualitia client machines.
(a) First rename the .txt file to .zip file, extract it & then install the QualitiaPatchUI.exe.
[This patch helps us to use 'Double-Click' and 'StoreText' actions in testcases.]
-- There has to be some values to be set in C:\Program Files\Qualitia\Qualitia 3.5\qualitia.exe.config file.
(a) Set DBPassword: root, DBUserName: root (MySQL login)
(b) Set 'ProjectName' as 'Prognocis_Project'.
(c) Set 'UserName' as 'meena_user'.
(d) Set 'myjava' as 'C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe'.
(e) Set 'SServer' as 'localhost', if the Qualitia server PC & MySQL server is in same PC.
(f) Set 'QualitiaProjectPath' as 'C:\Qualitia'.
(g) Set 'xmlPath' as 'c:\Xml'.
(h) Set 'CustomActionRepositoryPath' as 'D:\Selenium\February2013\12Feb2013\JavaCode\bin;'.
[This is for attaching the java code for any additional features (actions) created to be used in Qualitia.]
(i) Set 'Server' as 'localhost'.
(j) Set 'SBrowserType' as 'iexplore'.
(k) Set 'ServerPort' as '3306'.
(l) Set 'SServerPath' as 'D:\software\selenium-server-standalone-2.21.0.jar'.
(m) Set 'LogPath' as 'C:\Qualitia\log'.
(n) Set 'MasterDB' as 'QualitiaServer'.
-- To attach java code for custom actions in Qualitia, perform the following steps:-
(a) Create a Java project in Eclipse.
(b) Add mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin.jar, selenium-java-2.3.0.jar,
selenium-server-standalone-2.25.0.jar, junit-4.8.1.jar, log4j-1.2.15.jar in Libraries of Eclipse.
[Add selenium-firefox-driver-2.26.0.jar if test-case is to be executed on FF browser.]
(c) Create a class (say with name 'CustomGeneral') & a method within it (with name say 'StoreMyWindowHandles'). The method name is the action name & the parameters defined for it is the parameter for the action to be used in Qualitia.
(d) The class may extend some pre-defined class created by Qualitia, in case it has to use its methods for current custom action class.
[for eg: class MovingScrollBar extends WebObject. WebObject class has exist(locator, locatorType) method.]
(e) Once code is written & saved, the bin path of the project folder has to be mentioned in qualitia.exe.config file.
(f) In Qualitia, Objects -> Custom section, select custom object category (say for example, General)
(g) Right-Click on 'General' category & Add new class.
(h) Select base class as per the object type, Object class name (say, CustomGeneral) & Qualitia class name (say, Custom.CustomObjects.CustomGeneral).
(i) Add custom action for it & define parameters for it.
-- To enable repetition of tasks in Qualitia, add multiple data records in datasheet. Also do mention the TCIteration -> Selection value as 'true' to enable repetition.
-- In Qualitia, variables can be given value & can be used later for the test-case using {}.
-- The XPath required for creating reusable objects & tasks can be found using IE Dev tool or FireBug IDE.
-- While creating objects we can mention variable name for xpath so that it can take variable XPaths based on test-case required.
Official Qualitia site:-
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